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Genpo Merzel Roshi

Dennis Paul Merzel, also known as Genpo Roshi, is a Zen teacher and Priest in both the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen Buddhism, Abbot of Kanzeon Inc. since 1988, and creator of the Big Mind Process in 1999.

From his initial awakening in 1971 his purpose and his passion have remained the same: to assist others to realize their true nature and to continuously deepen his own practice as well as assisting others in carefully reflecting on this life and clarifying the Way.

He left his careers as a school teacher and lifeguard after his awakening and lived alone for a year in a cabin in the mountains near San Luis Obispo. In 1972 he met his Zen Master, Taizan Maezumi Roshi, and subsequently moved to Los Angeles to study closely with him. He lived there for the next twelve years, ordaining as a Zen Buddhist monk in October of 1973.  In September 1980, a year after completing koan study, he became Maezumi Roshi’s second Dharma successor. 

In 1999, he created the Big Mind Process ™, allowing thousands of people from all walks of life to awaken with little or no prior awareness of consciousness. It is used in many fields, including psychotherapy, law, medicine. Roshi continues to teach people to bring the Big Mind process into the world, conducting regular retreats and training seminars in the USA, Europe and other countries.

His publications include The Eye Never SleepsBeyond Sanity and Madness, 24/7 Dharma, and The Path of The Human Being, a novel entitled The Fool Who Thought He Was God, and many DVDs. 

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